Saturday, July 30, 2005

Having a studio . . .

. . . however humble it may be . . . allows for all sorts of fun musical possibilities. We have seen the interesting & different music that came from the Bryce / Johnny / Chris trio, and now my friend Sean and I put down a "Rockin' in the Free World" track Friday night/Saturday morning (with little touches later on Saturday evening).

Many beers were sacrificed in the creation of this track, but it turned out ok. I was impressed by Sean belting out the vocals without hesitation and his harp adds a nice touch to the whole thing.

I will eventually put a real drum track down on this, but for now there is my drum machine, and an extra track of me punching the buttons for cowbell and crashes. Enjoy.

Rockin in the Free World

Sunday, July 17, 2005

Feeling Folksy

After a recent awesome Michelle Shocked show at the Doug Fir and tonight's Indigo Girls show I am feeling very folksy.

I feel the need to bust out the Igirls tunes and some Dylan and maybe even some of Mr. Guthrie's finest.

Tonights opener was a band called Girly Man from Brooklyn, NY. They were quite folksy and one of them played an awesome Djembe (which made me want one badly!!).

In the spirit of this post let me remind the world of this cool Indigo Girls Tablature page that I linked a year ago (when we last sat at the Portland Zoo and enjoyed the ladies and thier sweet harmonies!).

Indigo Girls
Guitar Chords and Tab

What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet.

Christ I'm Chuck
Derived from the names of 3 members using the Internet Anagram Server.

Chris + Tim + Chuck = ChrisTimChuck

Add some spaces and punctuation and Tada!

Christ I'm Chuck!

Nothing fancy, or somehow anti-Jesus. Just some letter organized in a certain way. Simple, not deep.

Thursday, July 14, 2005

Christ I'm Chuck Archive

More CIC songs coming

I am trying out a new file storage thing, if it works I will post ALL of the Christ I'm Chuck collection here. Here is Gloria from the July recording session.


Friday, July 08, 2005

Christ I'm Chuck - CIC3 Sampler

Mentioned in a previous post was the July 4th weekend session that Christ I'm Chuck recorded. Due to a serious bandwidth problem Mt. Tabor Studios is WAY behind on production work on CIC3.

To appease the many CIC fans who demand newer better CIC tunes we offer up this tasty blue treat.

Ramblin On My Mind


Michelle Shocked at the Doug Fir

After having been shunned at the Doug Fir once before (we went to see the John Butler Trio and Tristan Prettyman and they sold out moments before we arrived at the ticket window) we decided to give it a try for Michelle Shocked.

It turns out that it is a great venue if you can get tix. The room is small (my guess . . . about 300 people capacity) and has grreat sound. We stood in the second row right in front of Michelle while she nailed the best MS show I have seen (I have seen her half a dozen times in the last 15 years).

Her show started with Michelle Shock-eoke, which involved people from the audience performing MS songs which was surprisingly fun and funny, then Michelle did her thing which involved awesome new songs from her Threesome releases (she just released 3 new albums), some old songs, and fun stuff like she made the audience do the electric slide, sing along a lot, and generally have an awesome time enjoying a wonderful performer doing her thing.

5 Stars for Michelle and her band, and 5 stars for the Doug Fir.

Check out whats up with Michelle here:
Checkout whats happening at the Doug Fir here:

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Bryce / Johnny / Chris Session

Recorded at Mt. Tabor Studios on July 3rd.

Bryce / Johnny / Chris is

Bryce: Bass Guitar
Johnny: Guitar
Chris: Drums

The links below are to 3 songs that are representative of the session. Very mellow fun creative stuff.


Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Big jamming/recording weekend!

This weekend was a banner weekend for Mt. Tabor Studios.

Saturday Christ I'm Chuck recorded 3 hours of CIC standards, and Sunday Chris, Johnny and Bryce jammed and recorded a very different and interesting 3 hour session.

Look for updated samples here in the near future.